Welcome to my creative online journal

Monday 12 April 2010

Passport Photo Fun!

I've been very brave with my project today!  Today you will see a side of me you will never have seen (or see again!) and some of its a bit scary! 

Here it is (brace yourselves!) :-) Ta, da!:

Now stop sniggering at the back! (I know those shots at top right make me look as though I should have a number written across the bottom!)    This project, which was for my own amusement really (but I'm willing to share) was created by using lots of old passport photos (mainly, the middle one bottom certainly wasn't!) and a very old transparency of haircuts that you slot your picture behind to see what suits you.  I think I've had it since the 1980's (check out those groovy hair styles) and it was a freebie from a hairstyling magazine. 

...And when I've finished making a fool of myself?


(My subscription to Picnik is worth its weight in gold!)

See you tomorrow!



Unknown said...

hahaha nice passport photos, cant see you getting through customs with them though , su xx

Nicky Stevenson said...

All those photos are old - I don't look like any of them now - but then who does look like their passport photo? lol.

They gave my kids and friends a giggle anyway.

I need a haircut now, which one shall I choose?...

qwiksave x

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